Power of AI in your resume

10x your shortlisting chances with AI Powered customized Resumes

Our AI knows what employers look for in candidates across 150 roles. Get your own AI powered resume in 30 min.

Make my resume Takes 3 steps and 30 minutes only

One size doesn't fit all

Get different resumes for different job openings

Every job opening is unique and requires a certain skillset. Our resumes are tailormade for each job opening you apply for, increasing your selection likeliness manifold.

Make my resume Takes 3 steps and 30 minutes only

What they say about us

Read what people have to say about resumes created from OutShine and other bonuses that helped them in their careers.

Make my resume Takes 3 steps and 30 minutes only

Rohit Attri

Recruiters Love My Tailored Resumes

Getting a tailored resume for each application was a dream. I've never received so much positive feedback from recruiters!

Rishi Kalantri

From Interviews to Dream Job

I had interviews but no offers. That changed after using this platform. The interview prep tips were invaluable, and I secured my dream job!

Vinay Mehta

The Ultimate Resume Upgrade

Myoutshine turned my existing resume from ordinary to extraordinary. Recruiters are now noticing my skills and inviting me for interviews. It's like having a personal career booster!

Bhupender Singh

Visually Appealing Resumes That Work

My resume's design was holding me back. This tool not only made it visually appealing but also helped me showcase my skills effectively.

Sunil Atal

Personalized Cover Letter Advantage

Had to create a resume urgently as a friend referred me to his company. This was a life saver indeed!


A Resume Transformation Worth Celebrating

I can't believe the difference this product made to my resumé. It's now a confident representation of my abilities. I'm not just job hunting – I'm career advancing. Thank you!

Ankit jaishwal

Landed an Interview Within Days!

I was amazed by how my resume transformed after using this platform. It's like my skills came to life on paper. I got an interview within days!

Gopal Yadav

Stress-Free Formatting Solution

I used to spend hours formatting. This platform took away that stress and allowed me to focus on my job hunt. It's a must-have!

Rohit Attri

Recruiters Love My Tailored Resumes

Getting a tailored resume for each application was a dream. I've never received so much positive feedback from recruiters!

Rishi Kalantri

From Interviews to Dream Job

I had interviews but no offers. That changed after using this platform. The interview prep tips were invaluable, and I secured my dream job!

Vinay Mehta

The Ultimate Resume Upgrade

Myoutshine turned my existing resume from ordinary to extraordinary. Recruiters are now noticing my skills and inviting me for interviews. It's like having a personal career booster!

Bhupender Singh

Visually Appealing Resumes That Work

My resume's design was holding me back. This tool not only made it visually appealing but also helped me showcase my skills effectively.

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